Doors Open Alberta Edukit Student Zone

Images of India

Temple of the Hindu SocietyThe Hindu Society of Calgary temple and the ISKCON Edmonton temple are examples of architecture from India.

Both of these buildings have the feature called pilasters, which are the upright square support beams that are common in building from India. These up right beams are attached to the outside of the building and act to support the roof. The temples are square, which represents eternity in Hinduism.

ISKCON Hindu templeThe Hindu Society of Calgary building also has two tower constructions on the roof. These structures are built over the rooms were the image of the deity is placed in a shrine.



Grade 1 Science (Building Things)Grade 2 Mathematics (Shape and Space)Grade 3 Social Studies (Redflecting the World)Grade 4 Social Studies (Diversity and Development)Grade 5 Social Studies (Alberta's Growth and Development)

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