Doors Open Alberta Edukit Student Zone

Students are introduced to the concepts of shape and space as they look at pictures and read the text in the student zone. Once they have had the opportunity to consider the shape, size, and space used by the building, the students will proceed to the activities presented by the teacher, which can be downloaded from the teacher’s zone.

There are shapes all around us. The house or building you live in has a shape as does the school you go to. Buildings have many shapes and sizes. All of the buildings you see take up space as they have length, depth, and height. These three dimensions are described as three dimensional or 3-D.

Notice the space that the buildings shown here take up.

This is the Flat Iron Building in Lacombe, Alberta The Francis Winspear Centre for Music
Grade 1 Science (Building Things)Grade 2 Mathematics (Shape and Space)Grade 3 Social Studies (Redflecting the World)Grade 4 Social Studies (Diversity and Development)Grade 5 Social Studies (Alberta's Growth and Development)

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