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Susan Aglukark

Walking Buffalo

Matthew Coon Come


Joseph and Josephine Crowshoe

Mary Two-Axe Early

Sharon and Shirly Firth

Chief Dan George

Elijah Harper

Waneek Horn

Tom Jackson

Tom Longboat

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Allen Sapp

Walking Buffalo, Stoney Chief

George McLean (Walking Buffalo) in full dress Walking Buffalo was born by the Bow River in 1871, and had two other names - George McLean and Tatanga Mani. His mother died when he was very young and a pioneer missionary offered to adopt him, giving him clothes and his surname. He received an education and later taught on his reserve, worked in Calgary as a blacksmith and as a scout for the Mounted Police. It is no doubt that Walking Buffalo witnessed many changes throughout his lifetime. He participated in the buffalo hunt, became a Medicine Man, used the dog travois and observed the development of the Mounted Police and the signing of Treaty 7. In 1920 Walking Buffalo became Chief and was one of the founders of the Indian Society. He was an international traveller, visiting the United States, England, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and Africa. He travelled with the message to "stop hating each other and start being brothers the way the Great Spirit intended." He was known as the Ambassador of Understanding. Walking Buffalo visited Buckingham Palace and was given the 'keys to the city' by the Mayor of Florida. It was estimated that he had travelled 125,000 miles by the time he was 87. 









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